Stacie Stine

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This post I love the most of all the posts I've ever post...ed.

If you know me, you know I crave two things: little Minions (Oh wait, I work with college students... that's close enough, those Crazies!), and Inspiration. Any story or person that overflows with character, hope, and love raises my head in hope and sets my heart to a quicker beat. I fight for inspiration on a daily basis--- because sometimes it's the stories, art, lives, character, or love of others that motivates me to keep pursuing a life lived well. Oh, and the gospel. My motivation to live life as a gift and sacrifice. No big deal.
The summer Brett and I started dating Brett went off to Japan and Khazakstan for the entire summer, thus beginning our ridiculously too long two year LONG LONG distance relationship. But before he left his hopelessly beautiful "I'll miss you every day" star-crossed lover, he left me a copy of Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. I'll forever remember what he wrote in that book. He said that sometimes life is like kayaking across a large body of water. Before we begin to paddle we set our sites on the shore of the other side, but one fourth of the way there we realize how far the other side really is... and how hard we are actually going to have to work to get there. I find myself a fourth of the way across often... unsure if moving forward is in my capacity and capability. That's where inspiration brings me life. Nurtures my soul. And gives me tears overflowing. Just like a cup overflowing. Which is how I think it's meant to be.

So here's what inspires me this week...

>>>>>Jen Hatmaker's Brave Moms Raise Brave Kids.

This post made me want to be a mom. Or to be a better "mom" to the people I mom to. Know what I mean?

>>>>>The Pioneer Woman.

Ree lives life just like a lot of women do. But she actually talks about what we're all thinking. And she'll give you laughs that bring you out of your chair, onto your hands and knees, and to the floor in five seconds flat for sure.

>>>>>If I die young... or old... just wrap me up in one of these quilts because THEY ARE SO PRETTY.

>>>>>My brother, Michael's, love for his sweet fiance.

Brett and I will be spending a week this summer in Canada watching these two kids get married. I'll probably blog about their wedding for the rest of forever, so get excited about that. My gift giving brother left this on her front porch this week. And I thought it was too cute not to put in here:

michael's gift to erin

>>>>>Do you like Visual Narratives/Life Stories? Don't know what that is? Then you SERIOUSLY haven't heard of Industry of One.

Warning: If you are a cool person, these people may attempt to contact you. 

>>>>>The Starbucks I'm impatient for. Like design? Like interior design? Like the vibe but hate the coffee? That's okay. This place is for you. Unfortunately, you'll have to travel to Amsterdam to go... but if you do go, can I go with you?

>>>>>Pennyweight this month made my jaw drop. Put your hand under your jaw before you click on the link.

>>>>>My sister's instagram feed. For those of you who don't know, my beautiful sister lives in beautiful Amsterdam. She posts pictures of things you thought were only real in dreams.Her life inspires me too... and I could probably write about her on my blog for the rest of forever. For now, here are some of her photos: 

alycia's tulipsalycia's sunset viewalycia's houseamsterdam snow barn

>>>>>For you Downton Lovers... This video made my day. I was positively flabbergasted.

>>>>>Shauna this week. And every week. Wisdom, truth, vulnerability, and a good feeling that she snuck into your room and read your journal.


 Who are you inspired by this week? I'd love to know, you see, I love inspiration. ;)

P.S. This week Brett wrote me a song that has nothing to do with this post: "Sexy Nyquil lady you look so good over there. You've got me in your stare. Oooooo. Oooooo."