New Kids on the Blog
Bambi Halloween Costume and Pinafore Dress
I’m no deer in the headlights, sweetie— I’m cottagecore Bambi. Watch out Disney, we’re taking a sad story and making her cuteeee.
Star Trek bound | Beam Me Up Scotty!
I had so much fun putting together this outfit! If you didn’t know, this is not a costume, but is actually considered a bound.
This is my first time to bound. If you’re not sure what bounding is, I totally get it! I saw #disneybound on Instagram a few years ago and had to look it up because I’d never heard of it (that makes me feel like a social media grandma, admitting I had to look something up!). Bounding is when you wear your own clothing to create a costume-like outfit. Color Me Courtney is an absolutely boss at Disney Bounds. Here are all the bounds she came up with during quarantine).
Peeps Crown for the Michaels Competition
Once I designed the sketch, I crafted the real headband using some of my pop up book skills for creating levels on the headband. I hot glued the bunnies and the painted chopsticks to the headband (SO MUCH HOT GLUE EVERYWHERE!), mourned with my Dad (who loves peeps) the loss of so many uneaten Peeps, had my photoshoot, then added in illustrations in post-editing. You can see the sketch and illustration process in the video in this post!
Down to the Wire Christmas Gift Ideas
This last minute list is for Amazon lovers AND small business shoppers. If you’ve waited last minute and can be flexible with gifts showing up after Christmas, these are all viable gift options! Don’t let the Christmas Day deadline keep you from investing in and ordering from a small business— they are grateful for your order!
One Week Jewelry Challenge | #jewelrychallenge
I love putting together outfits, but I never seem to have the motivation to consider jewelry after all the effort I feel like I’m putting into my hair, makeup, and outfits. As I’ve been planning this jewelry challenge, I’ve also been considering why I don’t wear it often. For some reason, I equate jewelry with fanciness. If I wear jewelry, I feel weird not having the rest of my outfit, hair, and makeup on as well. So, I opt to not wear it most days. And if I do wear it, I’m one of those people who puts on a necklace and is too lazy to take it off, so I end up wearing it a month or two. Ya feel me?
The Most Important Person in the Room
The northern part of Central Park— that’s the part I really have fallen in love with. There are nature trails, bridges, waterfalls, tunnels, Hills, and quiet benches.
Any part that feels least explored or adored is typically my favorite part of anything. That’s the north part.
Our Best Halloween Costumes
Putting together a couples costume is one of my absolute favorite things. I grew up performing Theatre and loving fashion, so costumes have a special place in my heart.. I remember the day our theatre director needed us to try on costumes at our city’s costume shop— the moment I walked in, I was in love. Bright Pieces of material intricately sewn together to create creatures, villains, and heroes from different time periods and realms.
How to take a QUICK trip to Magnolia Silos | Waco, TX
Every time I’ve been to Magnolia Restaurant, Market, and Bakery this year, it’s been an easy quick trip, minimal to no lines, and super fun. Most people I talk to, have had a very different and tiring experience at Magnolia, so I thought I’d share with you what has worked for me to have a quick and fun trip. I’ve even highlighted my favorite less visited section of the Silos (hint: it’s not the market, the bakery, or the food trucks).
Short Impactful Sentences | Enneagram 9
Words for my life. Based on my enneagram nine.
This is a prayer. And a self-affirmation.
That I wouldn’t fall into busy-ness, but that I would seek out sweeter and deeper quiet. That I would work really really hard to be quiet in my mind… not numb or asleep to my feelings or circumstances.
Snow Day
A snow day in Texas from a southern lifestyle blog.
Something about waking up to see the world draped in the whitest snow… I never wanted to stop looking out the window today.
While we weren’t walking around campus, Brett was studying for finals, I was therapeutically rearranging our kitchen and living room, and I watched Netflix’ Dumplin’ (and really loved it). There was a glass of eggnog in there somewhere.
Peter Rabbit | Halloween Costume
One of my MOST treasured childhood memories is reading Peter Rabbit. Peter Rabbit was also one of the MOST AMAZING and HILARIOUS movies of the year for me. So this costume was TOO exciting for me to create and plan.
The miniature Peter Rabbit tea set in these pictures is FROM my childhood and I’ve been DYING to dress up as Peter Rabbit and drink tea out of my Peter Rabbit tea set. AND. I. DID. IT.
Let me introduce myself
What's here?
Marriage magic. Soul thoughts. Pop-culture obsessions. Style days. Decor & aesthetics. DIY's. Beauty finds. Childhood and teenage journal entries. Coffee films.
What's not here?
Recipes and babies. The kitchen and I tolerate each other, and my body and I have agreed not to birth out a baby until.... some point in time that is not now.