Time Travel | Question of the Week

Question of the Week with Stacie Stine

Y'all, I know Question of the Week was hard last week, but I legit LOVED talking with y'all about it on Instagram and in person!

Before we dive into this week’s question, I thought I’d remind you WHO these questions are for. They are for you. They are for me. And they are for you to ask your family, friends, and co-workers. Questions lead us closer to one another when we listen to what others have to say. Questions challenge us to confront uncomfortableness in ourselves. Questions take us deeper and make us feel more connected.

THIS week, we're accidentally getting rewound and having to live life all over again.

You were accidentally transported back in time SIX years ago, now you have to relive it all, do you do anything differently?

That’s right! You know everything you know now, and you’re whisked back six years. Do you make the same vocational decisions? Do you make the same financial decisions? Do you make the same relational decisions? Do you say the thing you regret not saying?

I’ve been thinking long and hard about this question. Here are JUST A FEW thoughts:

  • There are definitely some business decisions I would have changed— I would have sought to have more mentors doing what I do, showing me the ropes. I would have spent more time learning my craft (specifically design and photography). I would have spent less time procrastinating. I would have spent less money on things I thought would help my business grow that never did.

  • There are some unhealthy arguments I would have chosen not to have with Brett. Arguments initiated by me that only left me feeling gross and upset with myself. There are many healthy arguments I would still have.

  • Especially as I’ve been living with my parents an entire year to pay off our student loans, I’ve considered why we never paid on them before, wondering if we could have had them paid off by now, so we never would have had to move away from New York. But I can also see a lot of silver linings in this very strange year living with my parents. I’m not sure I would take it back.
    I would start learning about and talking about racial injustice sooner.

  • I would re-watch every Super Bowl commercial because I always enjoy them.

I believe the point of this question isn’t too shame ourselves or to sit too long in regret (I do believe regret is a thing btw, do you?). I believe the point is to consider what we would do differently and move forward remembering what we’ve learned and how we’ve grown. Making future decisions with the wisdom of the past.

Here are some alternative questions or follow up questions if you think this question is too hard:

>>>If you had a chance to re-do the last six years, would you do it all over again?

>>>Is there anything you did or said you would risk changing even if it affected your present outcome drastically?

>>>Because you can't change things or be magically transported back in time, how do you move forward?

So, tell me, what’s your answer to the question?