Stacie Stine

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Wonder Woman 1984 Outfit Inspiration

Wonder Woman 1984 Vibes, ammiright?

Honestly, every look Gal Gadot wore in 1984 was PHENOMENAL, classy, and dare I say, timeless? 

You can make this powerful look at home too! 

Here's how: 

1. Pair some oversized high-waisted pants (I chose linen) with a..

2. Loose oxford shirt (tuck it in), then put a... 

3. Blazer or sleeveless blazer on top of that look and...

4. BELT IT. I chose a cheetah belt to add a subtle Kristen Wiig villainous vibe. 

5. And for your shoes? I always like trying to match my shoes to my scarf, belt, or headband. Swipe to see my cheetah shoes! 

Y'all, I put this outfit on, loved it AND LOL'd at myself in the mirror because it really reminded me of the '80's ladies. And I love it. I would totally wear it out. 

My outfit details (though I would encourage you to see how you can put together an outfit you already have in your closet!):

Shirt (from my new favorite Dillards line, A Loves A): You can shop their latest collection at Dillards or online, this shirt is now out of stock. Madewell has a similar here. Sleeveless Blazer is from here. Similar pants are here. Lotta from Stockholm Cheetah (or is it leopard?) print shoes here. Belt similar here. None of these links are affiliated, I just like sharing where you can find similar items. I mainly try to share quality/ethically sourced clothing.

Would you, could you, when will you rock an outfit like this?!